
Grow Achieve Soar – Mentoring and Tuition

14-day self-development journal for children aged 6yrs-11yrs

A 14-day self-development journal for children aged 6yrs-11yrs to nurture a growth mindset and self-confidence.

The Growth Journal | Grow Achieve Soar Academies

The Growth Journal

£7.99 GPB

(plus £1.99 p&p)

Created to be simple and achievable, the Growth Journal encourages your child to unlock their potential by developing habits of personal growth.

Each journal comes with a carefully selected gift of seeds. As your child completes the journal, they will be able to watch their seeds grow just as they are growing in their own personal journey of self-development.

A journal that children can complete in a manageable time, it fosters healthy habits, self-reflection and an attitude of gratitude.

The Journal Includes:


Accessible activities that nurture a growth mindset.


Three daily reflective tasks to encourage self-development


Personal seeds to germinate and nurture


A daily motivational quote


Unique stickers


Gratitude checkpoints

The Growth Journal | Grow Achieve Soar Academies

Five reasons why this journal is great for your child

The Growth Journal

1. It's achievable and doable

There are a lot of great children’s self- development journal out there, but many children struggle to complete them. After the first few days of excitement, completing a monthly journal can feel like a chore rather than fun.

The Growth journal is intentionally designed to be manageable over a fourteen-day time period, providing all children with a sense of accomplishment and empowerment once they have completed it. 

Unlock your Child's potential | Grow Achieve Soar Academies | The Growth Journal

2. The journey of growth is beautifully illustrated in the growing of a seed.

Fourteen days is the approximate time it takes for a seed to germinate. The Growth Journal visualises this growing process for your child. By planting the seeds provided and reflecting on what it takes for them to grow and then watching them do so, your child is physically taking part in a growth process. This mirrors their journey of self-discovery in a tangible and unique way.

We think this is pretty special.

The Growth Journal | 14-day self-development journal

3. It fosters a growth mindset.

A term developed by Dr Carol Dweck, the growth mindset is the belief that intelligence isn’t fixed but rather it is something that can be improved upon and nurtured. The Growth Journal prompts your child to build their resilience and growth mindset. Our daily motivational quotes focus on overcoming challenges and helps your child grow in their own self-belief. 

Unlock your Child's potential | The Growth Journal

4. It helps your child unlock their potential.

The Growth Journal encourages your child to nurture their self-reflection skills. With a chapter dedicated to discovering a child’s purpose, they will begin to tap into the greatness within them in a simple and accessible way.

The Growth Journal | 14-day self-development journal |

5. It raises self-confidence and self-awareness.

The journal encourages your child to think about their emotions and feelings on a daily basis. This important habit is a lifelong skill and helps to bring balance and overall personal wellbeing to your child. 

Grow Achieve Soar Academies | The Growth Journal
Grow Achieve Soar Academies | The Growth Journal

This journal is outstanding. It makes the reader feel so supported. It's fun, interactive and easy to read. The illustrations are brilliant. I will be ordering lots of copies of this journal as I know the impact it will have on young people.

Grow Achieve Soar Academies | The Growth Journal

The Growth Journal

£7.99 GPB

(plus £1.99 p&p)