Dear Parent,
I have just three words for you.
You made it.
No, hold on.
You smashed it.
You have reached the end of the homeschooling road my fine parent. You still have all your marbles about you (well maybe minus a few). Your children still love you, you still love them and we are united in celebrating that parent homeschooling is officially finished.
All being well (we hope, we pray, we plea), our little ones will be skipping off merrily to school on Monday 8th March 2021 (or will that be us the parents taking them to school?)
It’s the end of a chapter. Let’s just soak that up.
Let’s stop right where we are and gaze glazed-eyed into the distance and breathe that in and out (not glazed- eyed? Me neither) but let’s just take it in. For parents all around the UK, the homeschooling days have come to an end.
My gaze has now turned into a sprint of excitement, partnered with uncontrollable bursts of song.
Somehow, I’ve managed to iron my children’s school clothes, pack their lunches and place their shoes by the front door ready for Monday. Crazy how I’ve managed to find the energy. Bet you’ve done the same right?
It’s a good place to be, the end of this chapter.
I am delighted my children will be going back to school. They need it. I need it.
But what a journey it has been.
For students and for us as parents.
I have been extremely fortunate that my children have had online tuition throughout both lockdowns. Having an online tutor in Maths and an online tutor in English has been my saving grace. I’ve shared the experience of my homeschooling attempts in my previous blog. It wasn’t my proudest moment. I’ve since passed the buck on to my incredible online tutors and it’s been a game-changer. Happy children. Happy muma.
My children’s online tuition will still be an important part of their education moving forward. I’ve seen the difference it’s having; the gaps it’s filling and the confidence it’s giving. For my son in Yr 6, it’s been crucial. I want him to feel confident at the end of his primary years and ready to take on the next big step of secondary school. His online tutoring has certainly helped with that.
In light of it being the end of an era, it’s important to prepare for the next phase; the transition back to school. For some young people, they may be feeling anxious about going back, and for us parents too. It’s good to be aware of our feelings and that of our children’s (even if it’s through our elation and prosecco sips).
1.Talk about going back
Let your little one voice how they feel. Let them just talk it out. Sometimes as parents we can’t fix worries but listening and empathising with how they feel is a good place to start. Reassure them that everyone will feel a bit nervous, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Then focus on what there is to look forward to. You can encourage them to write a list that might include seeing friends and restarting activities they enjoy.
2. Allow for overwhelm
I know for my children, their friendships have taken a knock during the lockdown. As much as we have engaged through online playdates and interactions, it’s just not the same. For some, it might not be as simple as picking up where they left off with friendships and that’s okay. All the ways our youngsters have fortified relationships outside of school have changed. It may take a little nurturing and time for friendships to find their groove.
3. Don’t compare
Everyone is in their own unique boat, with a customised paddle, navigating their way through these uncharted waters. To compare your child with what another is achieving isn’t fair and can be really damaging. Students will all be in different places with their learning and confidence so just focus on your amazing child and don’t worry about what they are or aren’t doing compared to their peers.
3. Worried about gaps?
There will be learning gaps and that’s okay. Our children have been in and out of school for almost a year. Things won’t be the same and there will be work to do. However, be reassured that schools have been working hard to address this. Most schools will gently be assessing students in the first few weeks they are back and identifying where the support is needed. They’ll be offering different types of provision such a small group intervention and catch up sessions. Many schools will also be offering parent consult fairly early on after they open to address concerns parents may have.
4. Reach out for help
Schools have their work cut out for them, there is no denying it. They have a lot of students to focus on and its not just the academic side they will be managing. They will be supporting a range of emotional and behavioural issues too. If you feel your child needs some 1:1 intervention with their learning, private tuition can have a huge impact. It’s a great way for your child to get a bespoke helping hand to get them on track. You can book a free lesson here with one of our qualified teachers.
5. Praise their self-development
Our children are champions. They have adjusted, pushed through, done their best and deserve to be praised. The resilience skills they have developed are one of the most positive things to come out of homeschooling. They have learnt to be independent learners and independent enquiries, self-managers (or not!) and creative thinkers, to name a few. This is all incredible character development and something to be proud of.
So in reflection compadre, we made it through.
When and if you have a quiet 5 minutes, acknowledge all your victories, highs and lows, wins and setbacks.
On Monday 8th March 2021, if it’s your child in reception bouncing off into class or your sullen teen dragging themselves out of bed, declaring the world isn’t fair, take a moment to recognise how far you have come, they have come, we have come. Then go to your new homeschool free world and do something special just for you. You deserve it.
Homeschooling free parent. Welcome to the other side. Let’s raise our glasses. Cheers.
Thank you for reading our; ‘A Letters to..’ blog. You can read more ‘Letters to..’ by following the Grow Achieve Soar Academies blog here. To find out more about our approach to tuition and try us out with a free tuition session just visit here.
Jemma Roye is the founder and managing director of Grow Achieve Soar Academies. She is passionate about the education of young people and works as a teacher and academic coach. Born and raised in London, she now lives in the New Forest with her husband and four children.